Situated on Cashel Bay, an inlet of Bertraghboy Bay. It was in this lovely village, in 1969, that General de Gaulle, the renowned French statesman, spent a holiday after he resigned the presidency of France.
Cashel is a good angling and shooting centre and takes its name from a circular stone fort, the remains of which lie on the slope of a mountain about 1 km to the north-east.
Some 5 km to the west is Toombeola Bridge, near which are the remains of a Dominican Abbey, founded in 1427, by one of the O’Flaherty clan which held sway over Connemara until the reign of James II.
Cashel lies along the western seaboard of Connemara at the head of beautiful Bertraghboy Bay. To the north, Cashel Hill rises over 1000 feet with its breathtaking views of the jagged coastline – saffron coloured by seaweed covered rocks and featuring many picturesque stone built harbours and slipways.